
Showing posts from 2009

Christmas painting & wallpaper

I badly wanted a good Christmas wallpaper for my desktop, but I couldn't find one that I liked. Plus, I have a full-screen, and that made my choices even more limited. So I decided to paint a speedy one in Photoshop for my wallpaper, and it turned out nicer than I thought ... if I do say so myself, of course. Also, I've never done a Christmas-related painting, not even a doodle. It's Holiday-themed, but nothing blatant :p About the wallpapers: plug them all you like, but please do not redistribute them elsewhere. Thanks :) Wallpaper preview : Happy Christmas! ♣ Doris

It's been dead for a while ...

... but now Disanthus.Com has been resurrected. There are new paintings in the gallery, of course, including a few that have been posted here, then disappeared, but now they've finally made it to their new home ^_^ The ninth version of Disanthus is relatively simple, and we've truly trimmed down on all the excess stuff we've had with the previous designs, and this includes all the codes we didn't really need. In fact, I think this is actually the first time that we are managing with a single CSS file O_O Amazing. I would like to create some kind of mini site for all our old stuff eventually. But that's for another time. It's December, you know.

New painting ...

But only a wee preview ^_^; It's about 90% done. The original isn't in black and white, though, but after saving the WiP image, I desaturated the file to check on light, shadow and midtones (something I really should do more often). But now I like the B&W image a lot more than the coloured version! Anyway, Annette and I have been working on version 9 of Disanthus, so the current site won't be updated until 9 is ready to go. I reckon it won't be that long before it goes online :) ♣ Doris

Wow! That fish is smelly!

I wanted to blog about this because it's something that really gets my goat. So, there's this author who has published her fourth book, an author I've been very loyal to. I have three of her books (one paperback, two hardcovers), with the fourth on its way. Apart from these, I also have three digital editions of the same books, which I bought because it takes about a week for my orders to arrive from Amazon and I simply could not wait. Now, her first two books were great reads, especially the first. But then comes the third book and something about it seemed off . After reading the book several times, I had to be honest with myself and admit that the quality of writing wasn't the same as the previous ones. Then came the fourth book and this one was even worse than the third: I can never enjoy a book with an unlikeable main character. And I rarely, if ever, review books, even ones that I like! Mostly because I'm shy that way and I'm not very good with words. But...

Brisbane is a wallpaper. No, really.

** November, 2009 ______Edit: Wallpapers are no longer available ** Before I move on to other stuff, I'd like to post these wallpapers I made, featuring the lovely Brisbane. Below is the original version. A bit boring, but I like my wallpapers with a 'clean' look :) Note : The wallpapers we post on this blog will be uploaded to Disanthus, but only for a limited time (because we don't like leechers). These wallpapers belong to and they are for personal use only. Thank ye. P.s. You might want to listen to Antonín Dvořák's Měsíčku Na Nebi Hlubokém (no, don't even attempt to pronounce it) while you're at it ^^ ♣ Doris

Digital Painters book

As you may have noticed, Annette and I are crappy bloggers, but we're working on our blogging skills. Honest! Anyway, I wanted to post this link to the Art Squared Digital Painters book by Rage Publishing . There is a book previewer so you can browse the content, and below is a screencap of mine ;) The second image is a tutorial I wrote, which I didn't think they'd publish, so it was a nice surprise for me. They've made a nice layout for it, so I'm really happy. ♣ Doris

Heathcliff, I am come home ♥

Well, a new home, at least ^o^ We (as in, Annette and I) were completely disenchanted by LJ forcing fugly ads in our journal ... unless we paid , of course. So, it was time to find ourselves a new blogging home (because we're cheapo's at heart), and what better place than the original blogging platform right here. It's been very quiet at Disanthus.Com as of late, and we're leaving the site as it is for now, but we hope to update regularly on this blog. There are a few paintings I have finished since the last update on Disanthus, and below is one of them. (Image deleted) The painting is one of the main characters in Deanna Raybourn's Silent On The Moor book (the final one in the Silent trilogy); I'll not wax lyrical about Nicholas Brisbane because there simply aren't enough words to do him justice. So I've painted him instead. This was originally a speed painting I did based on Richard Armitage in North & South (The BBC mini-series), but Br...